Conservationists wanted!

We are the only platform that lists everything you need to become a conservationist.

We make it easy for you to get involved

Whenever you book an experience with us, no matter your experience level, you become a conservationist.

By joining Conservation Guide, you'll get access to all the opportunities, quality assurance and tools you need to become experienced and engaged in the environment - you decide how far you want to go.

Save time finding your perfect conservation experience

Search for a particular animal, habitat, location, feature, a Western toilet - anything you want!

Reviewed by people like you

We screen all organisations on the platform, but you and other conservationists can complete the picture by reviewing your experiences and day-to-day life on the project.

Our review criteria ▸

Make connections

We make sure you can easily get in touch with organisations to make sure they're the right one for you.

More features are coming soon that will enable you to make better connections.

Budding conservationist? Tell us about your experiences ▸

How do we ensure your safety?

No worries

Conservation works best when people trust and act honestly towards one another, so we guarantee:

Quality assurance

All organisations are individually screened to ensure the highest quality.

How we screen organisations ▸

Secure payment

Quick and easy payment by credit or debit card.

Flexible deposit

Book an experience then change your mind? We let you reuse your deposit on a
new booking

How it works ▸

Transparent pricing

You see exactly how much money goes to us, and why we're worth it.

Read more on pricing ▸

Want to promote an experience?

Conservation Guide has a wealth of features organisations can use to sell and promote their experiences.

Read what we do for organisations ▸


“This was the best managed conservation project I have experienced!”