🌫The Leafcutter: No. 16

Global fishing foul-up, Lord Voldemort's new job, and could fossil fuels be the new tobacco?..

Will Morley
CTO & Co-Founder
Conservation Guide

Amsterdam, NL

Welcome to The Leafcutter a weekly roundup of everything interesting in conservation and the environment, cut out from the internet and taken back to the nest to grow into a nutritious news fungus.

🌍 News

Environmental activism in the US has never been more important:

The unbelievably corrupt Scott Pruitt resigned as EPA leader. However, for all his travails, he was largely ineffective. New EPA leader Andrew Wheeler continues the same anti-environment but will likely be more technically shrewd in his dismantling of Obama-era protections. Article

Doubling down on people with a poor environmental record in important positions, Trump picked Brett Kavanaugh (known as "Lord Voldemort” to one law professor) for the Supreme Court, which will swing the Court in favour of conservatives. Article

One in three fish caught never makes it to the plate, according to a UN report. An astonishing waste that is mostly due to a lack of knowledge or equipment, such as refrigeration or ice-makers, needed to keep fish fresh. Article

Krill fishing firms back Antarctic protection. An unprecedented agreement between the major krill fishing companies and The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources has led to a “permanent and voluntary” halt to fishing activities in key conservation zones. Good news for penguins. Article

Ivory still being sold illegally across Europe. Draconian crackdowns and enforcement would be necessary and welcomed. Article

London’s Science Museum under pressure from eminent scientists to shun big oil sponsorship. Growing momentum behind the movement to make fossil fuel the new tobacco. Article

Similarly, Ireland has announced it will be the first nation to totally divest from fossil fuels. Article

Sweden is on track to meet its renewable energy targets 12 years ahead of schedule. Exemplary environmental leadership from a developed country. Article

Three poachers killed by lions. A lot of people saying they "deserved it”, but worth thinking about the socioeconomic conditions that made it worthwhile for these men to risk their lives. Conservation won't get anywhere without compassion. Article

Icelandic whalers kill an endangered blue whale. A good example of how allowing the hunting of one animal affects other supposedly protected ones. ArticleFirst eastern quolls born in Australian wild for half a century. Heartwarming story, worth reading for the cute pokémon alone. Article

🦍 Our Blog

Why DAKTARI Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage offers a unique opportunity to inspire and teach the next generation about the importance of the natural world. Blog

Tom Quigley, Digital Strategist & Community Manager at Conservation X Labs tells us about his experiences working on the Great Barrier Reef and how our current idea of capitalism needs a complete rethink. Blog

👀 Media

If plants made light instead of cities. Map

Montage of beetles taking flight. Video

Sea sparkle causes Anglesey coastline to glow bright blue. Article

National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year 2018 Winners. Gallery

2018 Audubon Photography Awards Winners. Gallery

"My first encounter with Leucochloridium, a nasty worm that encourages birds to peck off snails eyes!" Video

Juvenile lasagna lizards soaking up some O2. Video

The Starlight bristlenose. Image

The amazing variety of British moths. Image

"A 3.5 m wide lane can convey either 14,000 ppl by 🚲 or 9,000 ppl by 🚌 or 2,000 ppl by 🚗 per hour". Video

🦑 Learn Something

Why are some female animals bigger than males? Video

Stunning coral forests discovered around Sicily’s deep volcanoes. Photo article

If fish nerds started spending more time with computer geeks, marine life could be better protected. Video

The world’s only 100% freshwater seal. Image

📋Get Involved

Help map seagrass areas around the world with the Seagrass Spotter app. Website

The government is running a consultation to decide whether 41 sites in English seas will get protection. Add your voice. Petition

If you've made it this far: Conservation Guide is a marketplace for quality conservation experiences around the world. Our goal is to provide you with opportunities to get out there and contribute to something you care about in the environment.

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